
Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Currently, I am in the midst of tightening up the designs for my short film, and I am hoping to be done with that over the weekend. Everything that was laid out in the initial animatic is definitely at sketch level. I will be integrating pixilation into this primarily Flash-driven project, and if all goes well with my schedule, I'll be able to capture that footage in the coming week. I'll also be using cut-out animation to represent certain aspects of the film, in particular the fire and the variety of street and highway signs that make appearances. I am still undecided about whether or not I would like to frame-by-frame animate the hands, or animate them using highly illustrated cut-outs. I feel that, due to the time restrictions, I will keep them as cut-outs for the time being, then further animate them at a later date.
I will post the tutorial exercises when I feel that they are good enough for submission. I like to keep silly things such as blogs organized.

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